NC JCTF Resource Page

Pursuant to Executive Order No. 254 of the Governor, the North Carolina Joint Cybersecurity Task Force is composed of the Enterprise Security & Risk Management Office of the North Carolina Department of Information Technology, North Carolina Emergency Management, North Carolina National Guard, and the North Carolina Local Government Information Systems Association. 

Through the various components and partners of the JCTF, there are proactive resources available to State, Local and Tribal entities as well as critical infrastructure partners such as public-facing Internet Protocol monitoring, cyber hygiene assessments, education, training and outreach, liaison and information sharing to prevent and mitigate cascading impacts from cybersecurity incidents, as well as operational support response.  

The JCTF is authorized to provide incident response and recovery efforts on behalf of State, Local and Tribal entities and to public and private sector Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CIKR) entities. Generally, CIKR entities that can request assistance from the JCTF are State, local and tribal governments, as well as political subdivisions thereof, to include the Education Facilities Subsector (K-12 schools, institutions of higher education, and business and trade schools). 

If you believe you have been impacted by a cybersecurity incident, you are encouraged to use the Statewide Cybersecurity Incident Report Form, in accordance with NC General Statute §143B-1379

Per General Statute §166A-19.78A, which became law on Sept. 22, 2023, requests from units of local government, state agencies or critical infrastructure partners for operational support from or access to operational cyber resources shall be sent to the N.C. Emergency Management 24-Hour Watch for intake and activation.

For purposes of this section, the term "critical infrastructure partners" means any entity that manages, oversees, or is otherwise responsible for critical infrastructure, as defined in 42 U.S.C. 5195c – i.e., systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination of those matters..

All entities in North Carolina requesting operational support during a cyber incident must report the incident to the 24-Hour Watch.  This reporting will initiate a cyber incident response and operational support from the JCTF.

Assistance for Individuals

Under the terms of the Executive Order, the JCTF is unable to provide assistance to individuals. You may still make a report using the online Statewide Cybersecurity Incident Report Form, but the following resources may be helpful to your situation.

Online Crimes Targeting Individuals and Businesses

For online crimes targeting an individual or business, make a report to the local law enforcement agency serving your jurisdiction. For crimes crossing state or international boundaries, contact a Federal Law Enforcement agency with jurisdiction: