After prolonged and continuous criminal violations, homicides, and community complaints, Robeson County Sheriff Burnis Wilkins solicited support from the Alcohol Law Enforcement Division to assist with a civil nuisance abatement action regarding the property located at 1092 Mount Zion Church Road, Red Springs. In addition to numerous other duties, ALE agents specialize in investigating properties and making recommendations on civil actions as allowed through Chapter 19 of NC General Statutes. As a result of this joint law enforcement investigation, Robeson County Superior Court Judge Tiffany Powers signed a Nuisance Abatement Consent Judgment and final order of abatement for this property.
This Judgment concludes a civil nuisance abatement investigation brought by the County of Robeson on behalf of the State of North Carolina. Chapter 19 of the North Carolina General Statutes defines nuisance activities, which include, in part, crimes involving drug laws, recurring violence, breaches of the peace, and ABC violations. Furthermore, it provides for a civil remedy to abate such criminal acts and their detrimental impacts on the community.
“I appreciate the cooperation from the property owner and community members as we continue working together in Robeson County to ensure our communities and citizens are safe. I hope this successful resolution assists with restoring peace to this Red Springs community,” said Sheriff Wilkins.
The terms of the Consent Judgment called for the structures on the property to be removed within 90 days at the landowner’s expense. The Judgment also forged an agreement detailing the future intended use of the property, which forbids future nuisance related activities on the property. Additionally, all trespassers will be arrested and charged.
“The nuisance abatement statute remains a vital tool in addressing community challenges,” said ALE Director Bryan House. “ALE is proud to work alongside our law enforcement partners, leveraging the expertise of our specialized agents to protect innocent citizens and reduce the harmful effects of crime.” This investigation has been a collaborative effort between ALE, the Robeson County Sheriff’s Office, and concerned members of the community.
About ALE:
The primary mission of Alcohol Law Enforcement (ALE) Special Agents, as peace officers with statewide jurisdiction throughout North Carolina, is to enhance community safety by addressing criminal activity at both ABC-licensed and illegal alcohol establishments. Authorized to take action against any crime of violence or breach of the peace, ALE is the lead enforcement agency for the state’s alcoholic beverage control, gambling, lottery, and tobacco laws, with primary authority over nuisance abatement statutes. ALE has a team of special agents who are certified paralegals and receive extensive training in conducting nuisance abatement investigations.