Dear Patrol Family,
Please join me today in celebration of the 95th Anniversary of our esteemed North Carolina State Highway Patrol. Since our humble beginnings in 1929, our organization has never stopped evolving. However, throughout this evolution, the core principle behind our mission has always remained the same, and that is to save lives by preventing fatal crashes.
Ninety-five years later this commitment to saving lives has remained at the forefront of your personal mission, and I could not be prouder to join in this noble cause with you. As our organization moves closer to reaching a century of dedicated service to our state, I ask that you pause to reflect not only on the history of our organization, but also the legacy.
It is not uncommon to encounter active and retired Patrol members who had a parent or grandparent that served on the Patrol in years past. Likewise, we also have active and retired members who have watched a son or daughter follow in their footsteps to earn the title of State Trooper. The past 95 years have profoundly influenced multiple generations of courageous men and women who have answered the call to serve.
I wish to personally thank our retirees for their service and contributions to our rich history. Our retirees have laid the foundation upon which we continue to build. To our sworn and civilian members who are presently serving, you are the carriers of our ideals and principles that we hold dear. I commend you for having chosen this fine organization to not only be your career choice, but also your extended family.
As we reflect upon 95 years of committed service to our state, I ask that we pause in remembrance of the 70 members who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the honorable performance of their duties. Their willingness to sacrifice their own lives to preserve the lives of others must resonate in all that we do in our profession. Let us join together in continued prayer for our fallen members and their families.
In closing, I am truly honored to be able to share in this occasion with all of you today. Always remember that while our history records where we have been, our legacy influences how we will be remembered. Strive to be the best at what you do. Above all, take good care of one another as you share in our collective mission of service and protection on our state’s highways. On behalf of the senior command staff and myself, thank you for 95 years of outstanding service and commitment to our great state.
Kindest Regards,
Colonel Freddy L. Johnson Jr.