Topics Related to State Highway Patrol

The North Carolina Department of Public Safety will be waiting to share immediate career opportunities and more for you at the Charlotte Law Enforcement Hiring Expo.

SHP estará en caminos y carreteras durante las festividades de temporada buscando detener acciones de manejo peligrosas, antes de que ocurran colisiones que cambien la vida de alguien; también se une a los automovilistas de todo NC con la esperanza de tener momentos seguros y felices al dar gracias junto a amigos y familiares.

The North Carolina Department of Public Safety will be waiting to share immediate career opportunities and more for you at Fort Liberty.

The State Highway Patrol will be on the roadways this holiday season looking to stop dangerous driving before potentially life changing collisions take place. The SHP joins roadway users across North Carolina in hopes of a safe and happy time for giving thanks with family and friends.

The State Highway Patrol proudly welcomed 35 new troopers November 17, 2023, at a graduation ceremony held for the 160th and 161st Basic Highway Patrol Schools.

Del 13 al 17 de noviembre de 2023, la Patrulla Estatal de Carreteras de NC unirá fuerzas con personal de intervención inmediata de todo el país, esto en reconocimiento de la Semana de Seguridad del Personal de Intervención Inmediata de Accidentes de Tránsito

From Nov. 13-17, 2023, the NC State Highway Patrol will join forces with first responders throughout the nation in recognition of Crash Responder Safety Week (CRSW).

The North Carolina Department of Public Safety will be waiting to share immediate career opportunities and more for you at the Mountain Area Community Career and Resource Expo.

The North Carolina Department of Public Safety welcomes you to the Fayetteville State University Career Event.

The North Carolina Department of Public Safety welcomes you to the Disability Virtual Career Fair. Learn about careers that matter and now hiring with great state benefits.