Monday, March 2, 2020

UNC Wilmington Approved for More Than $1.4 Million

Mar 2, 2020

The State of North Carolina and FEMA are announcing more than $1.4 million to the University of North Carolina Wilmington for Hurricane Florence-related costs.


The grant reimburses expenses for using modular classrooms after Hurricane Florence damaged the university’s main science building. The temporary units allowed students and faculty to continue their academic schedules.


FEMA’s Public Assistance program provides grants to state and local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations to reimburse the cost of debris removal, emergency protective measures and permanent repair work.


Public Assistance is a cost-sharing program. FEMA reimburses applicants at least 75 percent of eligible costs and the remaining 25 percent is covered by the State of North Carolina. The federal share is paid directly to the state, which disburses funds to agencies, local governments and certain nonprofit organizations that incurred costs.


FEMA’s share for this project is more than $1 million and the state’s share is more than $350,000.


For more information on North Carolina’s recovery from Hurricane Florence, visit and Follow us on Twitter:

@NCEmergency and @FEMARegion4.


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