Press Releases

Las Órdenes del gobernador autorizan asistencia por caso de desastre, financiada por el estado, en forma de subvenciones de asistencia pública para gobiernos locales elegibles y procedan a la remoción de escombros y a medidas de protección de emergencia; las Declaraciones de Desastre expiran sesenta días después de su emisón.

The Governor’s Orders authorize state-funded disaster assistance in the form of public assistance grants to eligible local governments for debris clearance and emergency protective measures. These disaster declarations expire sixty days after issuance.

A partnership between the state and the N.C. Housing Coalition has resulted in 47 first-time homebuyers becoming homeowners in 11 counties of the state through the Homeownership Assistance Program.

“We are continuing to monitor Idalia’s course and its potential impacts on our state and it’s critical to make sure we are fully prepared,” said Governor Cooper. “It is important for North Carolinians to gather emergency kits and prepare for the storm before it’s too late. We also want to make sure our farmers are able to protect their crops.”