Press Releases

Del 2 al 8 de junio, el Departamento de Seguridad Pública de NC es el anfitrión del segundo aniversario de la Semana de Acción NC S.A.F.E.
The N.C. Department of Public Safety is hosting the second annual NC S.A.F.E. (Secure All Firearms Effectively) Week of Action this week, June 2–8.

Following an ALE investigation, a Hickory nightclub’s ABC permits have been summarily suspended after a Hickory police officer was shot.

Following an investigation, North Carolina Alcohol Law Enforcement (ALE) special agents charged two employees and several patrons with numerous felony and misdemeanor drug charges.

Gob. Roy Cooper proclamó del 26 de mayo al 1o. de junio como la Semana de Concientización sobre el Calor para concientizar sobre la continua tendencia calurosa en el clima del estado y enfatizar los nuevos recursos estatales para apoyar a comunidades en sus esfuerzos por reducir efectos del calor extremo.
Governor Roy Cooper has proclaimed May 26-June 1 as North Carolina Heat Awareness Week to raise awareness of the state’s continued climate warming trend and highlight newly available state resources to support local communities in their efforts to reduce impacts of extreme heat.