Contact Us
Mailing address:
4227 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, N.C. 27699-4227
(919) 733-5188 fax
Physical location:
3030 Hammond Business Place
Raleigh, N.C. 27603
LESS Main | | 919-324-6227 |
State Coordinator | Gary Dudley |
919-662-4367 |
Primary State point of contact | Gregory Weavil | 919-324-6227 |
Alternate State point of contact | Edward Davis | 919-324-6226 |
Alternate State point of contact | Kyla Virden |
(For release of anonymous sexual assault evidence collect kits - notification requested 24 hours in advance to Wanda Hicks – ph. # 919-324-6461 or email