Emergency Response Resources
The Emergency Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) and Risk Management Program (RMP) have toxic or flammable extremely hazardous substances that could impact surrounding communities. Due to the hazardous nature, facilities implement chemical accident prevention methods and partner with local responders and Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) to identify the potential effects of a chemical accident, steps the facility is taking to prevent an accident, and plan emergency response procedures should an accident occur.
Support from Responders
Local responders, LEPCs and Regional Response Teams (RRTs) can support facilities to develop their emergency response programs by reviewing their emergency action or response plans, developing and participating in emergency response exercises, or participating in public meetings and providing responder feedback after an accidental release.
Emergency Response and Cleanup Resources
Cleanup Contractor
A hazardous material or waste release for fixed facilities or transportation involves multiple agencies from local to federal depending on the scale of release and public impact. The State Emergency Response Commission Hazardous Materials Committee collaborated to provide an overview of release, notification, response and cleanup process and the roles and responsibilities of the responsible party.
Emergency Response Resources:
- NCEM Emergency Response Coordination Under the 112r Risk Management Program – A Summary of coordination requirements between facilities and local responders
- NCEM Risk Management Program Emergency Coordination Checklists – Guidance for reviewing facility emergency plans and support during accidental releases
- NCEM Hazmat Incident Responder Feedback – Sharing lessons learned with other local responders and LEPCs
- Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning Guide (NRT-1) - Designed to assist communities in planning for hazmat incidents
- Integrated Contingency Plan (NRT) - Guidance on consolidating multiple plans developed to comply with various federal regulations into a single, functional emergency response plan
- EPA RMP Guidance on Public Communication - Guidance for public meetings after an accidental chemical release
- OSHA Emergency Action Plan eTool – Resources for developing and implementing an Emergency Action Plan
- EPA RMP Guidance on Emergency Response – Guidance for responding facilities and LEPCs on emergency response planning and coordination