Office of Violence Prevention Reports
2024-2027 Community Violence Prevention Strategic Plan
This plan provides a road map on how the NC Office of Violence Prevention will work in collaboration with a host of partners to advance our state's progress towards reducing the immediate and long-term impacts of violence happening within local communities. Read the plan. | Read a summary.
Opportunities for Philanthropy to Support Violence Prevention and Reduction, April 2024
This document was developed by North Carolina public safety and public health officials working in collaboration with the North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships. It provides an overview of violence prevention and reduction activities, followed by a summary of opportunities for philanthropy to collaborate with the NC Department of Health and Human Services, the NC Department of Public Safety and other partners working to prevent violence in our communities. The opportunities for philanthropy range in terms of type and scope, as well as level of investment needed to yield impact. Read the report.
North Carolina Violence Prevention Activities, 2023-2024
North Carolina views violence, including firearm violence, as both a public safety and a public health issue. The state has expanded existing violence-prevention initiatives through collaboration between the Governor’s Office, the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Health and Human Services. This document lays out actions taken over the past year, as well as actions planned for 2024. Read the report.
2023 North Carolina Office of Violence Prevention Year-End Report
Operating within the Department of Public Safety and in close partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services, OVP advocates for a comprehensive, public health-informed approach to violence prevention. Read the report.
2022 Keeping Families and Communities Safe
The Department of Health and Human Services provides insight into public health approaches to reducing violence and firearm misuse leading to injury and death. Read the report.