Non-Profit Security Grant Program

FY24 NSGP Update

FY24 NSGP application period 4/22/24 – 5/31/24

Eligible nonprofits in North Carolina interested in applying for FY24 NSGP funding should first register in the “North Carolina Emergency Management Grants Portal for Preparedness and Hazard Mitigation Grants” (Salesforce).

Once the application period opens, all complete applications (incl. investment justification, vulnerability assessment, mission statement and any other supporting documentation) must be submitted in Salesforce. You will not be able to submit an FY24 NSGP application unless/until you have created an account for your eligible nonprofit organization and registered as a contact for that account in Salesforce.

This short video instructs nonprofit personnel who need Salesforce access for FY24 NSGP how to request a new user-ID, if they are not already a registered user in the system:

For questions related to Salesforce, contact:   If you have questions about the application process, please contact:

Nonprofit Security Grant Program

The Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) provides federal funding from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for physical security enhancements and other security-related activities to eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist or other extremist attack. NSGP also seeks to integrate the preparedness activities of nonprofit organizations with broader state and local preparedness efforts.

NSGP is a competitive federal grant program from DHS/FEMA administered through the North Carolina Dept. of Public Safety (NCDPS) / North Carolina Emergency Management (NCEM) in the state of NC.

There are two funding sources appropriated for nonprofit organizations:

  1. NSGP - Urban Area (NSGP-UA): NSGP-UA funds nonprofit organizations located within FY 2024 Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI)-designated high-risk urban areas, which is defined as the Charlotte Area in NC; and,
  2. NSGP - State (NSGP-S): NSGP-S funds nonprofit organizations located outside of an FY 2024 UASI-designated high-risk urban area. Under NSGP-S, each state will receive a target allocation for nonprofit organizations in the state located outside of FY 2024 UASI-designated high-risk urban areas, which is defined as all locations outside the Charlotte Area in NC.

Click here for a list of all counties considered part of the Charlotte Area UASI in NC for NSGP:


FY24 NSGP-S total federal funding target allocation for NC: $4,275,000.

This is currently one of the highest FY24 NSGP-S total federal funding target allocations among all states in the nation, with only 2 states having a higher FY24 NSGP-S total federal funding target allocation than NC.  Eligible nonprofit organizations located in North Carolina received a total of $4,670,388 in FY23 NSGP-S funding ($4,916,198 total - $245,810 state management & administration funding).

There is no FY24 NSGP-UASI total federal funding target allocation for NC or any other state. All eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations located in all designated UASI areas across the entire nation collectively compete for a total of $137,250,000 federal funding. Eligible nonprofit organizations located in the Charlotte Area received a total of $1,168,130 in FY23 NSGP-UASI funding ($1,229,611 total - $61,481 state management & administration funding).

NSGP-S and NSGP-UA Subaward Cap Maximum Award: For FY 2024 for NSGP-UA and NSGP-S, eligible nonprofit sub-applicants with one site may apply for up to $150,000 for that site.

Nonprofit sub-applicants with multiple sites may apply for up to $150,000 per site for up to three sites per funding source, for a maximum of $450,000 per sub-applicant per state.  That is, a nonprofit organization with sites in both NSGP-S and NSGP-UA areas in a given state may apply for a total of up to six sites (three sites for NSGP-S and three sites for NSGP-UA), but the total of their applications cannot exceed $450,000.

A nonprofit organization with locations in multiple states may apply for up to three sites within each state and funding stream (three for NSGP-S and three for NSGP-UA per state).  For example, a nonprofit organization with sites in both NSGP-S and NSGP-UA areas in two different states may apply for a total of up to six sites (three sites for NSGP-S and three sites for NSGP-UA) in each state, but the total of their applications cannot exceed $450,000 per state.

A nonprofit organization sub-applicant with multiple sites may not exceed a total of six applications (three for NSGP-S and three for NSGP-UA) for a total of $450,000 per state.

If a nonprofit sub-applicant applies for projects at multiple sites, regardless of whether the projects are similar in nature, each individual site must include an assessment of the vulnerability and risk unique to each site. That is, one vulnerability assessment per location/physical address. 

Primary Purpose: Target Hardening. Some example projects include contracted security, fencing, lighting, cameras, security/reinforced doors, window treatments, communications equipment, security alarm systems, security plans, and staff training and exercises. See list of example projects on p. 8-9 in FY24 NSGP NOFO.

Eligibility: To be eligible for the FY 2024 NSGP, a nonprofit organization must:

  • Meet the description under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of 1986 and be exempt from tax under section 501(a) of such code.
  • For NSGP-UA, be located within one of the FY 2024 UASI-designated high risk urban areas (Charlotte area); for NSGP-S, be located outside of the FY 2024 UASI designated high risk urban areas; and
  • Be able to demonstrate, through the application, that the organization is at high risk of a terrorist or other extremist attack.

This grant provides up to $450,000 (3 locations per organization, $150,000 each) of funding support for target hardening and other security enhancements and activities to eligible nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attack. The intent is to integrate nonprofit preparedness activities with broader state and local preparedness efforts. It is also designed to promote coordination and collaboration in emergency preparedness activities among public and private community representatives, as well as state and local government agencies.

On 4/16/2024, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security released their FY24 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for NGSP, it can be reviewed on FEMA’s website at

Deadline to submit applications for nonprofits in NC is 11:59PM on May 31, 2024

All applicants for both NSGP-S and NSGP-UA will need to fill out the FY 2024 NSGP Investment Justification Fillable PDF. This is your application. This fillable PDF must be submitted in Salesforce no later than 5/24/2024 at 11:59PM.

Applications must contain:

  • Vulnerability Assessment. Link is from DHS/FEMA “FY24 NSGP Subapplicant Quick Start Guide”. Follow the guidance in this link to complete the required vulnerability assessment. There are no state-specific guidelines for vulnerability assessments for FY24 NSGP in NC.
  • Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). Go to to register. Subrecipients do not need to have a valid UEI at the time of application but must have a valid UEI to receive a subaward.
  • FY24 NSGP Investment Justification (you must download this form onto your computer to open it and complete it b/c it is not web-viewable or web-fillable). The IJ is the application form used to apply for NSGP.
  • Mission Statement
  • Supporting documentation related to actual incidents that have occurred at the location/facility, if applicable. Nonprofit organizations may include any proof of actual incidents that have occurred at the location or facility; this includes items such as police reports or photographs (include a brief description of the items you are submitting in your IJ).

If you have any questions related to Salesforce, contact:   If you have questions about the application process, please contact:

FY24 NSGP Virtual Salesforce information sessions & office hours:

NCEM is hosting Virtual Salesforce information sessions & office hours (on Microsoft Teams) for FY24 NSGP:

April 26, 2024, session recording

April 29, 2024, session recording

May 3, 2024, session recording

May 6, 2024, session recording

May 9, 2024, session recording

May 13, 2024, session recording

May 20, 2024, session recording

May 23, 2024, session recording

Purpose of the sessions is to provide information about FY24 NSGP and application process, as well as to answer questions from applicants.

The webinars will be recorded and posted on this website for anybody who cannot attend.