
North Carolina Emergency Management helps local and state partners secure federal funding and develop and implement capabilities to address the state's ability to prevent, protect, respond and recover for all hazards, both man-made and natural. 

2023 Local Emergency Shelter Capacity Grant Program

North Carolina Emergency Management (NCEM) is no longer accepting applications for grants funded through the 2023 Appropriations Act, S.L. 2023-134, § 5.6(g) the Local Emergency Shelter Capacity Grant Program.

Who is eligible: Local Governments.
How to Apply: Review the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), complete the application submit it via email to 
Application Deadline: May 31, 2024.   
No longer accepting applications for 2023 Local Emergency Shelter Capacity Grant Program.


State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP)

SLCGP provides federal funding to helps states, local governments, rural areas, and territories address cybersecurity risks and cybersecurity threats to information systems.

Who is eligible: Local government entities, community colleges, federally-recognized tribal governments, and state agencies in North Carolina are eligible to apply for FY23 SLCGP funding through North Carolina Emergency Management.
Not accepting applications for SLCGP at this time. 

Capacity Building Competitive Grant (CBCG)

The CBCG shall be used to ensure local emergency management offices are adequately equipped, trained, and prepared for all hazards and emergencies by providing funding to build on capabilities, close gaps and enhance best practices to meet the their needs.

Who is eligible: Counties with a population of 230,000 or fewer.  
How to apply: : Eligible county governments submit application and supporting documentation via  Salesforce
Applications due: 11:59PM on March 06, 2024.   
Not accepting applications for CBCG at this time.

Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP)

HSGP provides funds that focus on enhancing abilities to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and respond to threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk. This grant program is part of a comprehensive set of measures authorized by Congress and implemented by Department of Homeland Security to help strengthen the Nation’s communities against potential terrorist attacks. 

Who is eligible: State agencies and local jurisdictions.   
Not accepting applications for HSGP at this time.

Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG)

EMPG funds are used to support comprehensive emergency management at the state and local levels.

Who is eligible: County governments
Not accepting applications for EMPG at this time. 

Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP)

HMEP provides funds that focus on planning and training related to transportation of hazardous materials emergency response. 

Who is eligible: State agencies and local jurisdictions
Not accepting applications for HMEP at this time.

NC Tier II Grants

Who is eligible: County governments
Not accepting applications for NC Tier II at this time.

Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP)

NSGP provides funding support for physical security enhancements and other security-related activities to eligible 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations  at high risk of terrorist or other extremist attack. 
Who is eligible: Organizations designated under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code at high risk of terrorist or other extremist attack. 
How to apply: Must first register in the “North Carolina Emergency Management Grants Salesforce. All complete applications (incl. investment justification, vulnerability assessment, mission statement and any other supporting documentation) must be submitted in Salesforce. You will not be able to submit an FY24 NSGP application unless/until you have created an account for your eligible nonprofit organization and registered as a contact for that account in Salesforce 
When to apply: Applications for FY2024 must be submitted in Salesforce  by 11:59 PM on May 31, 2024. 
Not accepting applications for NSGP at this time.

Emergency Operations Center Grant Program (EOCGP)

EOCGP is a Community Project Funding (CPF) program through Congress.  Projects can be submitted by a local jurisdiction to a member of the State Congressional Delegation with a letter of support from the State Administrative Agent (SAA), which is NCEM.  Only projects that meet the requirements detailed in the most recent Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Emergency Operations Center Grant Program, including the cost-share requirement and environmental and historic preservation requirements, as applicable, will be considered for funding.

If funded, the projects would be specific line item awards to that specific jurisdiction with grant monitoring and compliance from NCEM. For more information on these opportunities, please refer to the websites of the members of the North Carolina Congressional Delegation as many have put announcements up with established timeframes for submission.  Each Congressman has their own CPF website/information.  Check your Congressional delegation websites and their offices for additional information for project submission processes for EOC grants.


Disaster Relief and Mitigation Fund 2023

North Carolina Emergency Management (NCEM) is now accepting applications for grants funded through the 2023 Appropriations Act, S.L. 2023-134, § 5.6(f), the Emergency Management Disaster Relief and Mitigation Fund. Eligible applicants are state agencies, units of local government, public authorities, and nonprofit organizations.

Volunteer Agencies or Organizations Active in or Assisting with Disasters (VOAD)

State Funded VOAD grants provide funding to voluntary agencies working in disaster recovery.

Who is eligible: Volunteer or Voluntary Nonprofit Agencies or Organizations Active in or Assisting with Disasters by providing services to disaster survivors.
How to apply: No VOAD grant funding is currently available. 
When to apply: Funds are made available periodically by the state legislature for recovery operations usually related to specific disasters.  The last time VOAD grant funding was available through NCDPS/NCEM was in 2019-2020 in connection with Hurricane Florence.

FEMA Individual Assistance

The Individual Assistance program provides assistance to homeowners and renters whose primary residences were damaged or destroyed by a natural or manmade disaster.

Who is eligible: Disaster affected homeowners and renters, after certain presidentially declared disasters.
How to apply: Online at or at a FEMA/State Disaster Recovery center  
When to apply:  The application period is open for a limited time after the disaster declaration is made

FEMA Public Assistance

The Public Assistance program provides funding and technical help to state and local governments and certain private, non-profit groups to fix or replace public properties and infrastructure such as roads, bridges, buildings and parks that have been damaged or destroyed.

Who is eligible: State agencies, local governments and certain private non-profits
How to apply: Attend a post-disaster applicant briefing in your area to receive application instructions
When to apply: The application period is open for a limited time after the federal disaster declaration is made

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)

Hazard mitigation measures are any sustainable action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to people and property from future disasters. This program supports cost-effective post-disaster projects. Studies have shown that every $1 spent equals $4 of future damages mitigated.

Flood Mitigation Assistance

The Flood Mitigation Assistance Program aims to reduce or eliminate claims under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). FMA provides funding to states, territories, federally-recognized tribes and local communities for projects and planning that reduces or eliminates long-term risk of flood damage to structures insured under the NFIP.

Building Resilient Infrastructure in Communities (BRIC)
(formerly Pre-Disaster Mitigation)

The National Public Infrastructure Pre-Disaster Mitigation fund, will be funded through the federal Disaster Relief Fund as a six percent set aside from estimated disaster grant expenditures. This allows for a greater investment in mitigation before a disaster. This annual grant program is named Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC).