About Hazard Mitigation
The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program is authorized by Section 404 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. It is a partnership that is designed to assist states, local governments, private non-profit organizations and Tribal Nations in implementing long-term hazard mitigation measures following a major disaster declaration.
Although the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program is FEMA-funded, the program is administered by the North Carolina Department of Public Safety’s Division of Emergency Management. The process for applying for HMGP funds begins at the county level.
The State encourages local communities to provide letters of interest or project ideas and concepts at any time, as they are necessary to begin the grant application process after a disaster. However, the State is aggressively pursuing HMGP grant availability for local communities and residents. Those efforts are born in the needs communicated from your community. If you are a local community interested in an HMGP Grant opportunity, contact our HMGP Development Team (listed below) at any time to discuss project needs and potential funding opportunities or availability.
Who Is Eligible To Apply?
Government Entities
Private Non-Profit Organization
Tribal Nations
For ineligible entities and individuals to apply for HMGP funding, they will need an eligible applicant to apply on their behalf.
What Type of Project Is Eligible For Funding?
Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to:
Warning systems with mitigation as an essential component.
Projects to promote the use of safe room designs in tornado prone areas.
Retrofitting methods such as elevation in place, structure relocation, structural reinforcement (wind and seismic), strapping of utilities, installation of storm shutters, tie downs, etc.;
Acquisition of property and/or relocation of homes, businesses, and public facilities;
Development of State or local standards with implementation as an essential component;
Structural hazard control or protection measures such as flood walls, detention basins and other storm drainage upgrades; and
Generators that protect a critical facility.
Additional information about the HMGP is available on FEMA’s website at: http://www.fema.gov/hazard-mitigation-grant-program
How To Apply?
The process for applying for HMGP funds begins at the county level with each county’s Emergency Manager. The county alone determines which eligible mitigation projects will be placed on their project priority list. They use this list to track and organize projects from across their county that they want to submit for funding consideration for the HMGP. If you would like to request that an eligible mitigation project be added to your county’s project priority list, then please use the county contact list below to get in touch with them.
Development Team Contacts:
Steve McGugan, State Hazard Mitigation Officer Steve.McGugan@ncdps.gov
Jason Pleasant, Development Supervisor Jason.Pleasant@ncdps.gov
Kaine Riggan, Grants Development Specialist, Kaine.Riggan@ncdps.gov
Portia Baldwin, Grants Development Specialist, Portia.Baldwin@ncdps.gov
Jennifer Lewis, Grants Development Specialist, Jennifer.Lewis@ncdps.gov